Saturday, August 11, 2012

poor performance vs. overtasking

Apropos of a recent Dilbert it got me thinking of how certain problems can manifest themselves.

suppose an employee's performance is not up to standard. this would include the following symptoms

  • excessive overtime
  • missed deadlines
  • poor quality of delivered work
on the other hand suppose an employee has been overtasked, assigned more work than there is time to complete. the evidence of overtasking includes

  • excessive overtime
  • missed deadlines
  • poor quality of delivered work

well what else to say? it may not necessarily be 100% of one or the other. also since the symptoms are the same there may be very sharp disagreement between management and the employee what the real problem is.

lol Acer

I noticed a recent comment by Acer about the new Microsoft tablet. I found that amusing about "negative impact" on the Microsoft ecosystem.

Speaking of harming the ecosystem. Back at Core Networks and SupportSoft there used to be some Acer gear around. They were famous for blurry monitors and desktop PCs that failed prematurely. I once told the IT guy to not bring in any more Acer equipment as

Acer = white box clone = junk