Here's another update on my former colleague who has been looking for work in high tech. I heard from him this week. He gave me a heads up that I might be hearing from a company he has interviewed with. That was considerate and smart of him to tell me in advance who I might be hearing from.
The company is a large, well known IT firm. I haven't heard from them yet. I kind of thought I would have heard from them by now. Maybe he's dropped out of the running.
Fortunately for him, it turns out that he does currently have a job. He caught on with the startup company he'd interviewed with. He said he's still looking because the pay isn't quite what he wants and the work is a bit light on the skills he's most interested in. I'd say go for it if something better appears. There is little loyalty in high tech, it's every man and every company for himself in this industry.
But its good for him. Having a job gives him credibility with other companies that he's desirable and employable. Plus if you don't land something better then he still has something which is good enough and many times better than being out of work on the outside and worrying about how long his severance and unemployment will hold out.
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