Sunday, November 27, 2011


It's been a while since I've posted. I haven't forgotten about this site. I'm glad Google still knows about it and steers some visitors here. I still work in software and I haven't lost interest in programming and software development. I guess I ran out of things to write about.

So what have I been up to the last year and a half or so? Around a year ago I joined a new team at work. I now work in Development Integration (DI). It's kind of a support role for developers and QA. We still write code but not so much shipping product code. We aren't testers or automated test developers but we do support QA and automated testing and continuous integration. We don't own the builds but we work with development and the build teams to support builds. We aren't gatekeepers but we support the dev teams enlightened use of CM.

It's been a good move for me. My company is big enough that we can have separate teams that do development integration work. After over 14 years in the cubes as a heads down coder I was ready to try something new.

There have been two rounds of downsizings this year. Luckily I managed to survive both. These were the first RIFs since I joined back in 2008. I didn't write about them because I've written on that subject in the past and I didn't have anything new to say. I hope the company can get back on track and it will be more stable again going forward.

In my year with DI I have observed some things and formed some thoughts. So I have a couple of posts to do in the coming weeks.

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